We all know that reviewing math concepts is important for long-term retention but traditional drill review can leave our 5th grade students bored and bitter about math. Want a better way? Try using games for your 5th grade math review instead!

Using games can help your students review math concepts in an active and engaging way. Getting students engaged and active means that they will be more likely to remember the concept instead of just forgetting the information after the test.
So, it is time to ditch those dreaded worksheets and try out some math review games to get your students excited about math! Here are my 4 favorite 5th grade math review games that will take the review in your classroom to the next level!
5th Grade Math Review: Online Quiz Games
Online quiz games make great 5th grade math reviews. You are able to customize your content and add in extra elements such as photos or videos to help bring the content to life for your students. Plus, a little healthy competition and the anticipation of the answer being revealed gets students focused and in the zone!
One of my favorite math review online quiz platforms is Kahoot. Kahoot easily allows you to create quizzes using any content you are reviewing while also adding extra elements for engagement such as images, videos, or even diagrams!

Don’t let the idea of having to enter your own questions stop you. Use the questions or problems right from your math textbook to save time. Instead of assigning a page from the book, add them to Kahoot instead. Your students will get the same great review but with much more fun and engagement.
Once you have added the questions you want to target, you can start playing right away! Pull up the Kahoot on your whiteboard. Then have your students go to the website and enter the pin that is on the board. This will allow them into the game. You can let students play individually or you can break your class into teams for a fun competition!
Students answer by selecting the correct response from the given options. They can see right away if they got the answer correct or incorrect. Kahoot tracks everyone’s score and displays it for the class to see.
Your students are sure to get excited as they see their scores go up!
Quizziz is another great online review game your students will love. You can easily choose a pre-made quiz for your class to play from their library of teacher-made quizzes, or you can make your own to fit your students’ needs. Don’t forget that by using the math problems from your curriculum you can save time and make creating your quiz easy.

You can play as a whole class game, or you can have students complete the questions independently. One feature I really love about Quizziz is that you can see all students’ individual answers so you can identify any students who might need more targeted reviews. I can’t think of a more fun and engaging way to do an informal assessment!
5th Grade Math Review: Jeopardy
Hands down, a classroom favorite math review game is Jeopardy! Year after year my students love playing Jeopardy-style games. I simply create different categories based on the concepts we are reviewing and then decide on 5 questions to go under each category. Each question gets a point value from 100 to 500. The questions get more difficult as the points go up. You can make Jeopardy-type review games on Powerpoint, find a template online, or use these all-ready-made 5th grade games.

Once your game is set up, break your class into teams. I typically try to have 3-4 students on each team so that I know all students will be able to get a chance to answer a question. I would highly suggest having students rotate who answers the question.
Another alternative is requiring that each team agree on the answer before giving their answer. This adds a level of peer-to-peer “teaching” and requires students to talk through the problem and how to solve it. It’s a great way for students to help each other learn these key math skills.

I also let teams know that they can “steal” if another team does not answer the question correctly. This ensures that all students are dialed in and focused on each question versus only being engaged when it is their team’s turn. If a team answers incorrectly, I randomly draw for the chance to steal. Students must quickly provide an answer when stealing. This assures that they worked on the problem during the initial work time and keeps the game from dragging out.
When you play, you can decide if teams will lose points for incorrect answers or not. I tend to not subtract points. I’ve found that if teams lose too many points, they sometimes give up. I try to avoid this so that all students are active participants.

You can take the fun to the next level by having teams pick their own names as well! Students tend to love doing this before the game starts, and it is a great way to start the team-building camaraderie. It also sets us up for review success!
5th Grade Math Review: Trashket Ball
Have a class full of sports fans? Want to get your class up and moving as they review? Trashket Ball is the perfect review game for your class!

There are many versions of this game out there, but essentially Trashket Ball is a modified basketball game using balled-up scrap paper and a trashcan.
Each team gets a turn to answer a review question. If they get it right, they get a chance to try to make a basket. Getting the balled-up scrap paper in the trashcan earns their team a point (or 2 or 3, it is really up to you!). You can even set different zones where students shoot from that have different point values. This builds in some additional strategy thinking skills too!
Students love being able to get up in between questions to task a shot. It really helps keep them engaged and the competition helps keep them focused! But be warned . . . this one can get a little loud as students cheer on their teammates. Make sure to lay the ground rules or take the review outside if weather permits.
5th Grade Math Review: Board Games
If you are looking for a slightly quieter math review, board games are great to use! You can modify existing board games so that students need to correctly answer a question before being able to move. Or you can create your own math board games.

Either way, you want to make sure that students answer a question before taking their turn or that the questions are an integral part of the game.
Don’t forget to go over the game rules before you begin. There’s nothing worse than kids arguing about the rules instead of playing. Have rules for what happens if the student answers correctly, incorrectly and how someone wins.
Also, you want this review to be as independent as possible. I recommend setting up a system for students to check their answers without your help. As students play, you can circulate around the room and observe to see which students might need some more targeted review. This makes using a board game review option a little easier for keeping track of who needs your help.
5th Grade Math Review Made Easy
Ready to take your 5th grade math review to the next level but dread the idea of having to put together review games? I’ve got you covered!
I’ve created Jeopardy-style games for all of the 5th grade math standards, so no matter what you are reviewing, you’ll find a ready-to-go game! Check out the 5th Grade Math Games Test Prep Bundle to make your math review easy and engaging for your classroom.
This bundle includes Jeopardy games on these concepts:
- Numbers and Operations Base Ten
- Geometry
- Measurement and Data
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Fractions
Looking to use more engaging 5th grade activities in your classroom? Check out How to Implement Webquests in your classroom. They are a great way for students to review and practice important 5th grade skills in a variety of subjects.
Save These 5th Grade Math Review Games For Later
Make sure to pin this post to your favorite classroom Pinterest board, so that you can quickly come back when you need some engaging math review game ideas!