Wanting to create a positive classroom community, but not sure where to start? Before you dive into all of the rapport building activities and classroom management strategies out there, set your space up for success. The easiest and most effective way to start building a positive community is with inspirational classroom posters!
Before implementing new strategies to help build a positive classroom community, we have to set the stage for that community to thrive. I find that as teachers we are very focused on making our classrooms functional and aesthetically pleasing, but what if our decor could do more? That is where inspirational classroom posters come in.
Why Inspirational Classroom Posters?
So you might be thinking, “Okay, how are simple sheets of paper with quotes on them going to help build my classroom community?” It seems too easy and too simple to be true. But trust me. Adding inspirational and motivational posters to your classroom can have a profound and lasting effect.
Think about it this way: Do you have a daily mantra you repeat to yourself? Maybe a favorite inspirational quote hanging in your home? Sticky notes around your house to help motivate you?
And let me guess, does seeing that mantra or reading that inspirational sign on your wall have a positive effect on you? I bet it does! I bet you smile without knowing it. Get a little more confidence to take on the day. And so much more!
That same principle applies in our classrooms. By surrounding students with inspirational classroom posters, they are taking in that message over and over again whether they are conscious of it or not. Those sayings become ingrained in them and without them even knowing can change their behavior, inspire them to take action or any other number of positive things you want to see in your classroom.
And let’s face it . . . daydreaming in class happens. If they are going to tune out our voice, we might as well give them some great quotes to focus on instead.
That’s why I start by filling my walls with the words I want to echo in their minds, with the positive outcomes I want to see in each of my students.
How to Pick Classroom Inspirational Posters
So we know that setting the environment is important, but where do you even start when it comes to picking the classroom inspirational posters?
I choose posters based on three categories:
- How I want my students to treat themselves
- How I want my students to treat others
- Motivation for completing hard tasks
Posters for a Positive Self Image
These posters should have short sayings on them that students can use as a mantra to help build their confidence and self-esteem.
It is important that we first show our students how to respect and inspire themselves. Your positive classroom community will be stronger than ever if it comes from within each of your students versus from you on the outside.
Some of my favorite sayings for creating a positive self-image include:
- You matter
- Life is tough, but so are you
- You are awesome
- Believe you can and you will
- You are enough
Remember, you want to keep the sayings short. By keeping the sayings short, they will easily fit on a poster without feeling too busy, and your students can easily glance at them and get the message over and over throughout the day.
Classroom Inspirational Posters for Positive Relationships
Once you have self-image covered, you want to also include motivational sayings that help to foster positive relationships between your students in the classroom.
Some of my favorite sayings for fostering positive relationships include:
- Be kind
- We can do more when we work together
- Spread happiness
- Everyone belongs here
Posters for Motivation During Hard Tasks
Let’s face it. It can be hard to stay motivated when the work seems impossible. And for young minds being bombarded with new skills each day, it can be downright overwhelming. That is why I always make sure to include some motivational posters that will help give them a boost when doing hard tasks!
Some of my favorite motivational sayings include:
- Don’t stop trying
- Better an oops than a what if
- Work hard, stay sharp
- Don’t give up
- Stand tall and be proud
Placement of Classroom Inspirational Posters
You’ve got your classroom inspirational posters all picked out, and you are ready to start creating that positive community, but where should you put them?
My initial response will always be: EVERYWHERE! But realistically, we will have to leave some room for other educational posters in our room.
So, start outside your classroom and take a walk through your room with a few things in mind. How do I want students to feel when they enter my room? Where will students need motivation the most? Where will students be looking for most of my instructional time/their day in my room?
These three questions will help you place your poster strategically for maximum results.
In my room, I like to place a poster on the door of my classroom so that students can see it every morning when they enter. In my mind, this is a great way to start the day off right!
I also like to have posters in work areas around the room. For example, in my reading corner, and by my small group work tables. These are spots where students will be working most often.
Finally, I add some motivational posters at the front of the room around my whiteboard. This is where we start class with an overview of what we will be doing and where we end class to wrap up our learning for the day. Having the posters in this spot allows students to see them BEFORE they set off to work and AFTER they are done. Making for a nice reminder of those messages at each end of the lesson.
Feel confident about motivational posters? Ready for some classroom management ideas to help keep your positive community going? Check out my 5 Classroom Management Strategies You Can Start Using Today post to get started!
Done For You Classroom Inspirational Posters
No need to create your own classroom inspirational posters or go hunting on the Internet for them! I’ve made posters to fit any classroom! From insects to sports to Boho rainbows, you’re sure to find ones that will work perfectly for you. Take a peek at a few of them below. You can find all of these and more in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Modern Boho Rainbow Motivational Posters
Woodland Animals Motivational Posters
Save This Positive Classroom Community Idea
Make sure to pin this post to your favorite classroom Pinterest board, so that you can quickly get back to these inspirational classroom posters when you need to add some positive messages to your classroom environment.